We are looking for a paraprofessional to work with an elementary student with special needs. This is a full time, school year position starting on January 2. If you are interested (or know of someone who is) contact Jason Haluska at 920-609-4160.

Come and work at our beautiful school! There are several positions available such as a long term substitute for Secondary Spanish or 4th grade, a floating teacher for second semester or even a Middle School Softball Coach. Visit rosholt.k12.wi.us/page/employment-opportunities for a list of openings or go right to wecan.waspa.org to apply.

Wanted: Holiday Spirit! The Enchanted Forest is looking for participants for the Community Work Day TODAY November 20th from 4 to 8 pm. Located at the top of the fair park hill in the big red barn. Anyone ready to help is welcomed!

Our Middle School Yearbook Club is super thankful for the support so far with our yearbook sales! We have officially sold to over half of the middle school!
We want to ensure that our families get a yearbook ordered yet so Here is the link to order your yearbook! https://tinyurl.com/RosholtYB

Tomorrow is pajama day for elementary! One of our 6th graders used her golden tickets to purchase a dress up day!!

On this School Psychologist Appreciation Day, we would like to acknowledge our own Dorey Delikowski, School Psychologist. Ms. Delikowski works both behind the scenes and directly to support students, staff and families of the district. A school psychologist spends their days identifying obstacles, developing plans, providing interventions as neccessary, leading crisis intervention and prevention, connecting the community to resources and more. We are grateful to have someone so knowledgable and diligent "on the case" of mental health concerns and the over all well being of the students of our district. Thank you Ms. Delikowski!

We thank and honor all veterans on this Veteran’s Day. We will be having our annual Veteran’s Day assembly at 10:30 in the High School Auditorium at 346 W. Randolph Street. The assembly will also be live streamed on our YouTube channel at https://tinyurl.com/5fsnapyu. We especially want to acknowledge our own staff members, who have served in the military. They are: Mr. Tod Beckland, Army; Ms. Kristine Buske, National Guard; Mr. Dave Dimond, Navy and Coast Guard; Mr. Dennis Kaczor, Army; Mr. LeRoy Miller, Marine Corp; Mr. Mike O’Donnell, Navy; Mr. Josh Panter, Army; Mr. Dan Powers, Army; Mr. Cliff Schulz, Navy; Ms. Tracy Schultz, Marine Corps; Mr. Jay Spoerl, Air Force. Thank you, veterans!

This weekend! You won't want to miss this play that is perfect for a dark fall night. It was adapted from Bram Stoker’s 1903 novel, The Jewel of Seven Stars. In writing the book, Stoker was inspired by his interest in and great knowledge of Egyptology, a subject which was then taking Great Britain by storm. While not as well known today as Stoker’s more famous novel, Dracula, The Jewel of Seven Stars nevertheless helped lay the foundation for the many Egyptian mummy stories that appeared in books and movies throughout the ensuing years. All the kids involved have been working hard and are doing a terrific job. We really hope you can come out to show them your support and see them shine in areas you don't normally get to see!

Autumn leaves are falling, and the American Red Cross is calling. Now is a great time to give back to hospital patients by donating blood. Schedule an appointment to give at the Rosholt Blood Drive at the high school on Wednesday November 6th from 9am to 2pm. To say thanks for giving, all who come to give Nov. 1-17 will receive a $10 e-gift card to a merchant of choice. To make an appointment call 1 800 RED CROSS (1 800 733-2767).

ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL Students and Parents!!
Get the BEST deal of the year on your Yearbook!
Order a yearbook for your student by Friday, October 25, 2024 and you’ll get it at the lowest price of the year!
Surprise your student with a personalized yearbook cover and get FOUR FREE ICONS. Offer ends Friday, October 25, 2024.

We are looking for a food service team member. This is a school year, week day only position for approximately 20 hours per week. Pay is based on experience. To apply visit https://wecan.waspa.org/Vacancy/220238 OR email dekaczor@rosholt.k12.wi.us for details or to express your interest in the position.

Thank your board members for Wisconsin Association of School Boards, School Board Week!
o Rosholt School District students benefit every day from the leadership and vision of our school board. Oct. 6-12 is Wisconsin School Board Week, so take time to thank these dedicated school leaders.
o School board members devote hours of their time each week to provide leadership for our school district. This week is Wisconsin School Board Week, so take time to thank a school board member today!
o School board service carries a significant amount of responsibility, and we have a fantastic group of dedicated leaders in our district. Thank you for your commitment to the community and our children! #WISchoolBoardWeek

Wed & Thurs is Elementary Grandparent Breakfast! Cost is $2/adult and $1.50/child. PTO will have Hornet blankets, water bottles, magnets and window clings for sale. They are also raffling off blankets and a basket with Hornet gear.
Bring some extra money! Exact change is appreciated.
Doors open @ 7!

MS/HS Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on October 10 and October 15 from 4-7:30 pm in the Commons. Please stop by the main office to get your child/children’s report card. FYI, the Elementary Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on November 7 and November 12.

Our yearbook club thinks you would avoid the HAUNT if you ordered your MIDDLE SCHOOL yearbook today while it is on sale!
Thank you so much for supporting us!
Have a great spooky season!

Bridging Brighter Smiles is holding their next dental clinic at Rosholt School District on:
Tuesday, October 01, 2024
It is not too late to enroll if you are not already enrolled! Get your Back to School smiles ready!
As a reminder we accept enrollments for all students Head Start-12!
Sign up online at:
Professional Dental Services Provided Right at School Include:
Oral Screening
Dental Cleaning
Fluoride Varnish Application
Dental Sealant Placement
Silver Diamine Fluoride Application
Oral Health Education
Referral Assistance
Forward Health (BadgerCare) Accepted!
(Other Private Dental Insurance Not Accepted)
Funds made available through your FSA/HSA account may be utilized as a form of payment, please check with your carrier for specific terms and conditions.
Not sure if your child is enrolled, or due for care? Call Bridging Brighter Smiles at 262-896-9891, or email coordinator@bbsmiles.org.

Did you know the Rosholt Elementary PTO funds things like Santa's Workshop, Rosholt Readers monthly treats, family fun nights, teacher requests and the winter dance. Without your help, these things will not happen this year! Please consider a donation to the No Fuss Fundraiser going on now!

We are looking for an elementary special education para professional substitute starting Sept 13 through Dec 6. If you or anyone you know is interested, contact Jason Haluska at 920-609-4160.

Rosholt Elementary PTO has organized a spirit wear sale. If you are interested in purchasing something, click on the link. https://shop.webko.com/rosholt_hornets/shop/home