Bridging Brighter Smiles will be at Rosholt Schools on March 25th and 26th. Signing up is easy and services are FREE. to Rosholt School District Students . Go to the website or use the QR code to sign up.

Congratulations to these students who were chosen, by a committee to be members of the Rosholt Chapter of the National Honor Society. NHS, founded in 1921 is an organization that recognizes high school students who excel not only in academics but also in leadership, service and character.

Due to the diminishing road conditions and impending weather, Rosholt Schools are closed today, Wednesday, March 5. The America Red Cross blood drive will still take place from 9-2pm if you are able to come donate.

If you are a resident of Rosholt School District, there will be a referendum on your ballot on April 1st. To see the referendum question as it will appear and to learn more, click here. https://www.rosholt.k12.wi.us/page/april-2025-referendum

A Rosholt Community Blood Drive will be held in the Linda Trzebiatowski Memorial gym on Wednesday March 5th from 9am to 2pm. Please donate if you are able.

We would like to express our great appreciation for our exceptional crew of bus drivers. This team goes above and beyond the call of duty twice a day, every single day for students. They care about their riders and are always ready to jump into action when a situation arises. Please take time to show them your appreciation also. They are; Tod, Gerry, Kollin, Kathy, Kristin, Tracy, Darrel, Cliff, Calvin, Gerard and Dale.


There is still time to place a business advertisement or a personal message to a Senior in the yearbook!! Just email the Yearbook advisor at: melorbiecki@rosholt.k12.wi.us

Due to the extreme cold weather forcasted for tomorrow, February 18th, we will be having a 2 hour delay of school. This means everything runs normally, just 2 hours later . This is so that no one has to be outside during the coldest part of the day. After school events will proceed normally as well.

Students and staff who are customers of the Coffee Cafe can expect a special Valentine's Day treat this week!

Attention parents! Parent/teacher conferences will be held on Thursday February 13th and Tuesday February 18th from 4:00 to 7:30. Middle School and High School conferences will be held on a first come, first served basis in the commons (or classroom for specialists). Elementary conferences will be held by appointment. If you need an appointment, please contact your child’s teacher. This is an excellent opportunity to discuss your child’s progress and well-being. We hope to see you there.

Today is School Resource Officer Appreciation Day. At Rosholt School District, we LOVE feeling SAFE under the watchful eye of our School Resource officer, Deputy Brandon Johnson. Please take a moment to show your appreciation for Deputy Johnson for being part of our School Safety Team.

Attention Town of Harrison and Town of Sharon residents . Mr. Dennis Kaczor will be presenting about the school referendum at the town of Harrison meeting TONIGHT at 6:30 pm at Northland Church located at N9880 WI-49, Iola. He is also presenting at the Town of Sharon meeting TOMORROW, also at 6:30 pm at the Town of Sharon Hall located at 6704 WI Hwy 66, Custer. Either of these meetings would be an excellent time to learn and ask questions about what is being asked for on the ballot in the spring election referendum so you can vote accordingly.


Our basketball program wants to spread the love. They are collecting new and gently used clothing for our Rosholt Caring Closet. Clothing will be collected at our Feb 11 Rock the Gyms!

We could not be more fortunate to have these 2 kind people as our school counselors. Mr. Colton Boelte is a true advocate for our secondary school students and keeps them focused forward. Ms. Gillian Goetsch is always willing to visit and listen. Be sure to show your gratitude for them this week for School Counselor Appreciation Week.

There is still time to place a business advertisement or a personal message to a Senior in the yearbook!! Just email the Yearbook advisor at: melorbiecki@rosholt.k12.wi.us


Due to the extreme cold temperatures, there will be NO SCHOOL tomorrow, Tuesday, January 21st. Stay safe everyone!

Enjoy this winter safety reminder brought to you by your school's Safety Committee