There is still time to place a business advertisement or a personal message to a Senior in the yearbook!! Just email the Yearbook advisor at:
about 2 months ago, Rosholt School District
Yearbook ad ad
Attention Village of Rosholt residents and Town of Franzen residents. Mr. Dennis Kaczor will be presenting about the school referendum at the Village of Rosholt meeting at 7pm TONIGHT. He is also presenting at the Town of Franzen meeting TOMORROW at 7pm . Either of these meetings would be an excellent time to learn and ask questions about what is being asked for on the ballot in the spring election referendum so you can vote accordingly. The Village of Rosholt meeting takes place at the Village Hall 101 S. Main Street, Rosholt and the Town of Franzen meeting takes place at 203340 Hwy 49, Wittenberg address.
2 months ago, Tricia Kertzman
January is school board appreciation month. We, the administrators, teachers and support staff of Rosholt School District are grateful for our school board members who have made the choice to serve our district in this capacity. Today's school board member spotlight is on Karla Schoofs. Karla was appointed to the school board in February of 2022 when her predecessor stepped down. She has stepped into her role as School Board President in a great way. Karla is diplomatic and methodical with all discussion and decision making. She has embraced what it means to be a caring, top quality school board president and continues to educate herself about this great responsibility. Karla and her husband Steve have 2 grown children, a son and a daughter, who both graduated from Rosholt. In addition, they have hosted 9 foreign exchange students. Karla will be up for re-election in 2026.
2 months ago, Tricia Kertzman
Karla Schoofs
The Astronomy students did demos for Mrs. Mork's kindergarten class.
2 months ago, Rosholt School District
Astro demo
Astro demo
Astro demo
Astro demo
Astro demo
January is school board appreciation month. We, the administrators, teachers and support staff of Rosholt School District are grateful for our school board members who have made the choice to serve our district in this capacity. Today's school board member spotlight is on Alicia Wojtalewicz. Alicia was first appointed in May of 2021 when her predecessor stepped down. As a healthcare professional, Alicia offers compassionate and professional advice in board decision making and is always ready to step into the role of President when it is needed. Alicia and her husband John are Rosholt graduates also have 3 sons and 1 daughter who have graduated from the district. Alicia will be up for re-election on April 1st. Thank you Alicia!
2 months ago, Tricia Kertzman
January is school board appreciation month. We, the administrators, teachers and support staff of Rosholt School District are grateful for our school board members who have made the choice to serve our district in this capacity. Today's school board member spotlight is on Matt Wierzba. Matt was first elected in April of 2020. As the senior-most board member, he is able to offer an historic perspective in discussions and decision making. Matt and his wife Danielle have 3 daughters who attend school at Rosholt. Matt is meticulous as a School Board Teasurer and offers excellent insights as a parent, business owner and former Rosholt School District student and coach. Matt will be up for re-election in 2026.
2 months ago, Tricia Kertzman
Matt Wierzba
Students who love to act and sing, now is your chance to be a part of this amazing musical!
2 months ago, Tricia Kertzman
January is school board appreciation month. We, the administrators, teachers and support staff of Rosholt school district are grateful for our school board members who have made the choice to serve our district in this capacity. Today's school board member spotlight is on James Dombrowski. James was elected to the school board in April of 2022. James and his wife Kelly have 4 daughters who attend St. Adalbert School and Rosholt Middle and High School. James has been a valued school board member since being elected but has made the difficult decision not to run for re-election when his term ends. We would like to thank James for his time spent as School Board Clerk and previously as School Board Director. James' term will end in April of 2025.
2 months ago, Tricia Kertzman
Dont forget! Bridging Brighter Smiles will be at school providing FREE teeth cleaning on January 14th and 15th. If you haven't already, now is the time to sign your child(ren) up using the information below.
2 months ago, Tricia Kertzman
January is school board appreciation month. We, the administrators, teachers and support staff of Rosholt school district are grateful for our school board members who have made the choice to serve our district in this capacity. Today's school board member spotlight is on Chris Lemanczyk - School Board Director. Chris was elected to the school board in April of 2024. Chris and his wife Carrie have 3 children who have all attended or are attending the District. Chris has been learning a great deal about what it takes to be a great school board member as the Board Director. James will be up for re-election in 2027.
2 months ago, Tricia Kertzman
Attention Town of Bevent residents; Mr. Dennis Kazor will be presenting about the school referendum at the Bevent town meeting on Wednesday, January 8th. This is an excellent time to learn and ask questions about what is being asked for in the spring election referendum so you can vote accordingly. The meeting takes place at the Bevent Town hall 205825 County Hwy Y at 6:00 pm. We hope to see you there!
2 months ago, Tricia Kertzman
Dear Parents and Guardians, We want to inform you of a change in how you can access live-streamed sporting events for our district. Starting immediately, these events will no longer be available on our school district's YouTube channel. Instead, you can watch them by visiting our district webpage and clicking the Hudl Live link on the main page under the scrolling pictures (circled in yellow on the attached image). Please note that school board meetings and other district events will still be accessible on our YouTube channel and on the district webpage by clicking the School Board Meeting link (circled in red). Thank you for your understanding and support. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
2 months ago, Rosholt School District
Youtube vs Hudl access
We are looking for a Floating Teacher/Permanent Substitute for second semester. If you think you qualify for this unique position, go to . For other positions available at our district, go to
3 months ago, Tricia Kertzman
Bridging Brighter Smiles will be at school providing FREE teeth cleaning on January 14th and 15th. Sign up today using the information below. Para ver información en español, vaya a este enlace:
3 months ago, Tricia Kertzman
All after school and evening activities have been canceled for tonight, Thursday, December 19, 2024.
3 months ago, Rosholt School District
Secondary Students and Parents: Ski Club forms were due today. If you are interested, email Mrs. Eron at to let her know that your forms are still coming!
3 months ago, Rosholt School District
Attention Students! Now is your chance to sign up to be a part of the spring musical, The Sound of Music.....
3 months ago, Tricia Kertzman
Brrrr. The cold temperature this morning may have gotten you thinking about school closings. Here is a reminder that you could be notified 4 different ways: 1. Local media outlets, radio stations (WSPT, WOSQ, WDUX, WYTE, WSAU, WDEZ, WIFC), and TV stations (WAOW and WSAW). 2. District Social Media (on facebook!) 3. Email and text notifications sent through Skyward 4. District Website at Stay warm everyone!
3 months ago, Tricia Kertzman
Any local business that still would like to place an ad in the 2024-2025 High School Yearbook please contact Melanie Lorbiecki @ Thank you for your support!!
3 months ago, Rosholt School District
Yearbook ad ad
Yearbook Ad Contract
Attention Rosholt Hornet fans!! The basketball community is offering a holiday sale for Rosholt Basketball! Support the girls and boys basketball programs and order some new spirit wear. This sale is great for holiday gift ideas approaching this month. Please use the following link to look through the store for any new items! Thanks for your support! Go Hornets!!
3 months ago, Tricia Kertzman