🤖🐍 Wrapping up a masterpiece! Today, 5th grade library classes finished their robot snakes—skins and all—ready to slither into experiments next week!
over 1 year ago, Kelly Holmes
Robot Snake Library STEM Project
Robot Snake Library STEM Project
Robot Snake Library STEM Project
Don't forget: Tuesday at 6:30PM in the auditorium we will be showing Screenagers The Next Chapter. The movie delves into the negative effects of screens and social media and what can be done to help our youth.
over 1 year ago, Rosholt School District
Congratulations to our November High School Students of the Month, Payton Skortz and Thomas (TJ) Wierzba!!!!!
over 1 year ago, Melanie Lorbiecki
november SOTM
Rosholt Middle/High School’s Washington, D.C. Trip. Available to all current 8th thru 11th grade students. See News Article for more information.
over 1 year ago, Rosholt School District
DC Trip Flyer
4th Annual Haunted Hustle pictures! Thanks to all who participated!!!
over 1 year ago, Rosholt School District
SC Team for Haunted Hustle
Participants for HH
Haunted Hustle
Haunted Hustle
Haunted Hustle
Haunted Hustle
Haunted Hustle
Beginning the Haunted Hustle
Haunted Hustle
Haunted Hustle
For the past 38 years, the Rosholt Readers Program has been encouraging students in grades K-6 to read every month. Students in Grades K-2 aim to read 240 minutes, while Grades 3-5 have a goal of 320 minutes. Those who achieve their reading goals stand a chance to win prizes. We are delighted to announce that Amaryllis was the winner for September. Congratulations, Amaryllis!
over 1 year ago, Kelly Holmes
RR Winner
Come watch our very talented students in our Fall play performance of "A Christmas Carol"
over 1 year ago, Rosholt School District
Fall play performance
Congratulations to our October High School Students Of The Month, Jared Miller and Jasmine Woyak!!
over 1 year ago, Rosholt School District
October Students of the Month
Next Friday, October 6th, Community First Bank will be having their Annual Customer Appreciation event again! They will be serving free hamburgers, hot dogs (and possibly brats), with chips and beverages from 2-5PM. We encourage all staff, students, and families to walk over to the bank once school is done to enjoy the festivities.
over 1 year ago, Kelly Holmes
Homecoming Festivities
Hailey Kostuch and Bridget Lemanczyk have the great honor of being named September Students of the Month! Congratulations!!
over 1 year ago, Rosholt School District
September students of the month
Staff attended the two day WIRED Conference where they learned about innovative instructional technology strategies for the classroom.  
over 1 year ago, Rosholt School District
Reminder: Mandatory Athletic Meetings for Rosholt Coaches and 7-12th grade Athletes Monday, July 31 at 6 p.m. in the auditorium.
over 1 year ago, Shane Larson
Reminder: Family Health is offering two more days of free physicals on July 24 and July 31. To schedule, call 800-942-5330.
over 1 year ago, Shane Larson
Friday is the last day to sign up for Summer School (4K-6th grade). It is also the last day to sign up for Summer BGC. www.tinyurl.com/RosholtSummer2023
almost 2 years ago, Rosholt School District
In looking at the District Events Calendar, the School Board meeting is tomorrow, May 10 at 6 PM. The May 17 meeting has been moved.
almost 2 years ago, Rosholt School District
Rosholt Hornets are STATE BOUND! Our Band and Choir Solo/Ensemble students will be bringing home the gold. Please join us as we send our Musicians off in style. The honor parade will start on the west side of the HS Commons, proceed down Randolph, and turn right onto Main Street. We would love to see the streets lined with our community to shower these Hornets with some LOVE! The parade will start at 3PM on Friday, May 5th! Spread the word!!
almost 2 years ago, Rosholt School District
State Bound
Congratulations to the 1st place winning Battle of the Books team for 4th grade! You all did an outstanding job!
almost 2 years ago, Kelly Holmes
1st Place Winning Team 4th Grade
Congratulations to the 1st place winning Battle of the Books team for 5th grade! You all did an outstanding job!
almost 2 years ago, Kelly Holmes
Winning 5th Grade BOB team!
The last day to order an elementary yearbook is tomorrow! Order online at www.inter-state.com/yearbook with the code 72937V
almost 2 years ago, Rosholt School District
Bridging Brighter Smiles is holding their next dental clinic at Rosholt School District. It is not too late to enroll if you are not already enrolled! As a reminder we accept enrollments for all students 4K-12! Sign up online at: http://enrollment.bbsmiles.org/
almost 2 years ago, Rosholt School District